I am a numbers kind of guy. I like to keep records, measure and tweak things. Procedural inconsistencies, especially when it comes to coffee brewing, bother me. I like to have processes in place that help me to consistently produce the same cup of coffee (And then incrementally change things to improve that cup of coffee). Besides upgrading to a quality burr grinder, using a digital coffee scale when brewing is one of the best ways to keep some key variables consistent.
I know that there are some free spirit coffee brewers out there that don’t want to shackle themselves to an experience that is more like a science experiment than their usual calming manual coffee brewing ritual. I’m okay with that. If you want to keep your brewing process organic and free from measuring and controlling all the details, a digital coffee scale might not be for you. For the rest of us, a coffee scale is an inexpensive addition to your brewing gear that can really help you dial in your ratios and processes.
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