Better coffee. One cup at a time.

Year: 2017 (Page 2 of 2)

The Homewara (Stain-Free) Black Clever Coffee Dripper

The Clever Coffee Dripper is a manual brewing device that is near and dear to my heart. Its ease of use and low barrier of entry made manual brewing approachable to me. I have many fond memories of brewing up my homeroasted coffee fresh out of my Behmor 1600 and savoring the interesting and intense flavors.

Unfortunately, my Clever’s clear plastic body slowly became cloudy and coffee stained. One day, I couldn’t take it anymore and threw out my clever coffee friend.

A year or two later, I ended up purchasing a new Clever Coffee Dripper and writing a review on the blog. One of the only negative things I could say about the Clever Coffee Dripper was that it would inevitably stain and “look a little scary”.

Enter Andrew for Homewara.

Andrew contacted me a few weeks ago and let me know that he had come up with a solution; he made a Clever Coffee Dripper type brewer out of black plastic. It was a simple change but possibly a major improvement (embarrassment over a heavy stained Clever Coffee Dripper is a real thing and no one is talking about it).

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92 Days Later- Where did John go? (Excuses, Summaries and a Fresh Start)

Well, It’s been over three months since I have posted something on my blog. That is a long stretch. The Brewing Coffee Manually blog has fallen into a lull that is quite common in the blogging sphere. Some blogs emerge from the lull rejuvenated and spur onwards with content creation. Some blogs never recover from their lull, post a few more times and gently succumb to burnout and a blog that has run its course.

I’m hoping the Brewing Coffee Manually blog is going to fall into the rejuvenated category. Blogging has been an enriching experience so far, although it must be obvious by now, I am finding it harder and harder to make time to write.

I have some exciting ideas for posts but before I attempt to return to a regular posting schedule, I thought it would be good to give a synopsis of the last three months of my coffee experiences.

Excuses and Explanations

It’s been a busy three months and I haven’t had much time to create meaningful coffee content. This doesn’t mean I haven’t tried. I have several posts that are nearly completed (they are just waiting for finishing touches and a picture).

The truth is, I am having a hard time balancing it all. I’ve stepped back from blogging to focus on some more important things. I have also shifted some of my free time focus on to regular exercise (a new bike trip approaches) as well as taking some classes to pursue other creative interests.

This year I’ve been trying to focus on simplifying and decluttering all areas of my life. I am not sure exactly how coffee blogging fits into this.

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